Ram Air announces the winner of Hometown Heroes Gear Dryer Giveaway
Eric Magnuson of Kenmore Washington was recently announced as the winner of Ram Air’s Hometown Heroes Gear Dryer Giveaway. Magnuson was awarded a Ram Air 4-MU Gear Dryer for Northshore Fire Department—the fire department he serves in. Sponsored by Ram Air Gear Dryer,...
Ram Air in the News for firefighter safety in Atlanta
A recent news report from Fox 5 Atlanta shows how Ram Air is improving firefighter safety for Atlanta Fire Departments. See the full report...
Grants are Available for Ram Air Gear Dryers
Each year, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security provides hundreds of millions in grants to help fire departments better protect their firefighters and the greater public. Because the proper decontamination and drying of protective gear increases the effectiveness...
Ram Air Introduces Complete System for Proper Decontamination of Special-ops Gear
Ram Air Gear Dryer recently introduced a complete system for proper decontamination of special-ops gear that cannot be washed in a mechanical washer. Ram Air’s Special-ops Decon System simplifies the process of cleaning and drying special-ops gear including hazmat,...
What Actions Can I Take To Protect Myself From Cancer In the Fire Service?
We would like to share with you information from Taking Action Against Cancer In the Fire Service whitepaper. Please share this quick reference guide (found in the report) or read and download the entire article >> 1. Use SCBA from initial attack to finish of...
Article: Taking Action Against Cancer
from: FCSN Taking Action Against Cancer Whitepaper [PDF file <1mb] "In late April 2013, the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) invited a small group of experts to Indianapolis to develop a white paper on cancer in the fire service. The participants came from...
PRESS RELEASE: Ram Air Introduces Rinse Station And Staging Accessory
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ram Air introduces rinse station and staging accessory May 9, 2013 – Ram Air Gear Dryer, a manufacturer of gear dryers made exclusively for drying personal protective equipment, recently introduced a rinse station and staging accessory to...
Ram Air Gear Dryer Welcomes Ron Denslow As Director of Sales, Canada
Ron has 40 years experience in all capacities of the fire services: - 12 years as full-time paid firefighter. - 28 years for Manitoba Provincial Fire Commissioners Office. - The last 12 years as Fire Investigator. - Credentials include Hazmat and Water Rescue...